Υoung farmers
The aim of this program is to revitalize the rural population by relocating young people under the age of 40, by providing incentives to facilitate their initial establishment and the structural adjustment of their farms by submitting a business plan, which will contribute positively. , both in employment and in maintaining the rural population.
![About us image](https://www.agrom.gr/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Group-2-1.png)
![About us image](https://www.agrom.gr/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Group-123.png)
![About us image](https://www.agrom.gr/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Group-124.png)
Right to apply
The right to submit an application for assistance to the Measure have natural persons, permanent residents of the Greek Territory, registered in the Integrated Management and Control System (OSSDE), who were established for the first time as heads of agricultural holdings, during the 14 months preceding the date of submission of the aid application, provided that the following conditions are met in person at the date of the aid application:
a) They have completed the 18th year of their age, have full legal capacity in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code and solvency and have not completed the 40th year of their age.
b) They are permanent residents of the area of application of the Measure.
More specifically, the candidate must be a permanent resident of the area:
• Mountainous or disadvantaged Municipal or Local Community and Settlement.
• Municipal or Local Community of a normal area with a real population of up to 100,000 inhabitants.
c) Their agricultural holding has a minimum size of work requirements of half (0.5) Unit of Human Labor (1 MAE = 1750 hours of employment per year) and meets the other conditions of the program.
d) Have sufficient professional capacity or undertake to acquire it within 36 months from the date of the individual approval decision.
e) Submit a Business Plan, which is prepared by the responsible Agronomist – Designer of Agro-Mechanical Volos SA. , with a maximum duration of five years with binding targets and deadlines for the development of their agricultural activities, as well as for the structural adjustment of their holding, but also for the acquisition or completion of sufficient professional competence, if required.
f) Undertake the contractual ten-year long-term obligations.
g) They do not fall into the categories of ineligible candidates.
The first time condition for the candidate to be established as head of an agricultural holding in order to be eligible for the aid of the Measure is fulfilled if the time interval between the date of first establishment on the agricultural holding and the adoption of the approval decision does not exceed eighteen (18 ) months.